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Bury CE High School

A Church of England Academy with the vision to empower all students to let their light shine.


Departmental Vision

Drama at Bury Church develops creativity and curiosity, alongside developing a deep knowledge and practical application of performing arts. Studying Drama supports all students to develop their confidence and build resilience in all aspects of the subject.

Curriculum Design

We have a high-quality Drama curriculum designed to engage, inspire and challenge children to develop their understanding and abilities, equipping them with the knowledge, skills and confidence to experiment, explore and create their own pieces of theatre.

Our drama curriculum is split into 3 main areas:

  • Literacy elements. This includes reading, analysing and creating scripts. Students will develop their oracy skills through performing. They will learn to communicate their ideas to others in a confident and purposeful way. They will also study theatre practitioners and groups from around the world to enable students to learn about different cultures and viewpoints.
  • Technical elements. This includes learning about the wider elements that go into making a production and students will gain knowledge of different career paths within the creative industries.
  • Performance elements. This includes performances to a wide range of different audiences and learning how to give and receive feedback to further develop their own theatrical practice. Students will also have the opportunity to perform at a variety of extra-curricular events across the school year.


Knowledge Organisers


School production

Each year we produce a school production where our talented students work together on all aspects of the show from, acting and singing to lighting and production. This year our school production is Legally Blond. We invite all parents and carers to come an watch this fantastic production.

In addition to our three evening performances, we invite children from local primary schools to watch our school production during the school day. This activity supports students who later want to join our school as they get to experience the fantastic culture we have at Bury Church and the care and respect our students show them when they visit here.